Friday, April 2, 2010

Best Husband Ever!

So I'm a little late in posting this, but I just wanted to share what a lucky wife I am. :) Last Sunday I woke up and was really not feeling well. I showered and put my pajamas back on and went to lay on the couch. Mike proceeded to get dressed in his suit and went to church all by himself. I am so proud of him for still wanting to go to church by himself at our new ward and I am so grateful to have married a man who holds the priesthood. I know that our family will be blessed by it. Well when he got home from church we hung out on the couch for a while, but then I had to go to work. :( I was really not feeling well but I couldn't call in sick, so I forced myself to get dressed and ready and off to work I went. After the longest day ever, when I got home from work my amazing husband had cooked barbecue chicken in the crock pot, parsley potatoes, green salad and even made a banana cream pie from scratch! He also cleaned both bathrooms top to bottom including scrubbing the toilets and tubs. Dinner was all really delicious and I am so grateful to have married a man who knows how to cook and actually likes to cook. I am so grateful to my mother in law who taught Michael how to cook and clean. I truly am blessed and I am grateful for opportunities like this that remind me just how lucky I am.

1 comment:

The Binghams said...

Awww! Mike does a good job taking care of you. Tell him that I am proud. When you two were here visiting I could tell how happy you were/are. I'm glad because you deserve it.