Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

So we had a pretty amazing Memorial Day Weekend - Sunday and Monday that is since we both had those two days off work. :) We both had to speak in Sacrament meeting Sunday morning and that went really good I think. Mike's talk made me cry so that is always a good thing. :) We went to all three meetings, then came home and ate lunch, put on comfy clothes and watched Prison Break episodes pretty much all day. We are so addicted! We are halfway through season 2 already! I baked a lemon poppy seed cake with an orange glaze in the afternoon and we made fajitas together for dinner. Then Monday morning we slept in until 9:30 which is unheard of with Mike because he is an early riser. We made waffles and eggs and bacon for breakfast, and spent the day outside together cleaning out the garage - a much needed chore. Then Mike made the most amazing bacon cheeseburgers with Provolone cheese on the bbq grill for dinner. Overall it was pretty much an amazing Memorial Day Weekend. It was reeeeally nice to have 2 consecutive days off work together and it was especially nice to not have anything to do or anywhere to go. I love days like those but they are few and far between so we  have to take advantage of them when we can. :)

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